Programs & Services

Cottage Grove Community Development Corporation is dedicated to “fostering community partnerships, projects, and priorities that create a favorable climate for economic and employment growth”

Cottage Grove Community Development Corporation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Cottage Grove, Oregon

Cottage Grove CDC efforts are primarily focused in three areas:

  • Attract new industry to the community
  • Assist in providing education, marketing, and resources for new and existing and businesses
  • Support special projects that improve the livability of the community

Cottage Grove has facilitated business development by showcasing Enterprise Zone tax incentives, available property, and a skilled workforce; provided leadership and encouraged participation in developing a comprehensive downtown revitalization organization using the Main Street Approach®; and hosted an annual economic development summit which includes a report on area economic development activities and programs, and discussions on efforts underway.

Cottage Grove CDC offers information, services and incentives to establish and maintain a successful business in our city:

  • Available Properties
  • Business Development
  • Community Tours
  • Funding Sources
  • Tax Incentives
  • Workforce Development